Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall Time Fun

It's that time of the year when the air gets crisp and the leaves start to fall. When that happens we knows its time to head to our favorite great fall playground.   We try to go every year, in fact we have gone since the kids were less than a year old. This year it was warm and a perfect day for us to be outside.  The kids have finally arrived at an age to fully embrace the activities and they had a blast!

Hamming it up for the camera! Cutie!

"I'm happy and I'm sleepy but we are both having a blast"
Waiting for the dinosaur slide.

Last year, Aubrey was terrified of the dinosaur slide and would not get near it! As we were leaving the farm last year after a great time, Aubrey said that she would do the dinosaur ride next year.  Here she is doing the dinosaur slide this year.

In one end and out the other !


" we have to stand here for a picture"

"Maybe I can plant this for a perfect 10"
Doing it Alex style! 
"Ayyyyeeee,,,when do I let go"?
Calm before the launch
Alex pretending to drive his way down the slide

Dave trying to catch flies!
Now there is a new sheriff in town, Sheriff Alex!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I remember going to this pumpkin place with you when I was down there a few years ago. It was SO much fun! Looks like everyone had a good time this year too! I am so proud of Aubrey for going down the dinosaur slide. YEAH!