Monday, July 29, 2013

Another Hike

At the end of our trip to Tennessee, we stopped by Clingman's Dome which is the highest point in Tennessee in the Smoky Mountains.  We drove up most of the way, but to reach the top, you had to hike up a long uphill paved trail.  There were beautiful views along the way.

Of course, before we even started walking up the trail, the kids wanted to climb these rocks on the side of the path.  It did make them tired.  Then when we started up the "real" trail to the top, they had a hard time keeping up.   We had to carry them on our shoulders a bit more than normal.

We did finally meet our goal of reaching the top.


Then we made the long walk down.  We had to keep Alex and Aubrey from running down.   They did pick a few dandelions...shhhh....please don't tell the park rangers.

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