Wednesday, May 28, 2008

1 Month Dr Visit

Wow, today they turn one month old. I just can't believe it.

We went to the doctors office today and everything is going well.
Alexander had a birth weight of 6 lbs 2 oz and is now at 9 lbs.
Aubrey had a birth weight of 5 lbs 7 oz and is now at 7 lbs 3 oz.

Nanny Comes to Visit

Nanny (Dave's Mom) has come to help us out for 2 weeks. Alexander and Aubrey are so glad that she is here (and we are too).

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I just looked in on them and this is how I found them sleeping. They were holding hands.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Alexander and Aubrey's First Dinner Out

Aunt Kendra and Aunt Andrea Visit

Aunt Kendra and Aunt Andrea flew in for a long weekend to see their niece and nephew. They were a lot of help. We hate to see them go.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Grammie is Helping Out

My Mom (Grammie) is here for a couple weeks and is helping out tremendously.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Spring Flowers

It was so nice out last week that we decided to take some pictures in front of the clematis in our backyard.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Four of Us


Jessica (Dave's oldest daughter) flew back to Arizona this morning. She was a lot of help this past week and a half. We are thankful for her extra pair of hands. It would have been a lot harder if she didn't help us out.

We know that Marissa (Dave's youngest daughter) would have loved to have been here. We know that she wants to see them and would have graciously helped out too, but she is still in school. We can't wait to see her in July and we know her brother and sister want to see her too.

Friday, May 2, 2008


We would like to thank everyone for their kind words, prayers, and all their thoughts as we open our house to the new arrivals.

Thank you,

Neala and Dave

50% Mommy and 50% Daddy = 100% Cute

(Cute outfits from Nanny)

Big sister Jessica flew in to help out

Cute picture from Hospital

Going Home from the Hospital

We are glad to be going home from the Hospital

Aubrey's pretty in Pink (Outfit from Aunt Andrea)

Alexander in his crocheted outfit from Grammie Stevens

Waiting for the Car

The stork arrived with sweet bundles of joy

The Twins Are HERE!!!

Alexander and Aubrey arrived on April 28, 2008. They are very happy babies and everything is going well.