Sunday, March 28, 2010

Egg Hunt

On Saturday, we went to my twin group's egg hunt at a local park. Alex and Aubrey had a great time. Once they got the idea to gather the plastic eggs and then put them in a basket, they were on a roll.

After all the eggs were gone, they sat back and checked out what they had gathered.
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Unknown said...

AWWW...They looked like they had so much fun! Thanks for posting more pictures! I LOVE seeing new pics. :0)

Andrea said...

Hey I think that Aubrey is finally getting some hair on her head, lol! Just had to put that input on there! Looks like they had lots of fun, so what kind of goodies did they get?

Neala n Dave said...

They got some candy, stickers, and little trinkets. Last night, we hid the eggs in the toy room 3 times and they had fun finding them and putting them in the basket. I think they were upset though when there wasn't anything in them. : )