Friday, July 30, 2010

Trip to Sanford, MI

I finally got my laptop back. YIPPPEEEEE.

A couple of weeks ago, we were up in Sanford, MI to stay with my sister Kendra and to see my Mom, sister Andrea, and other family members at a family gathering. We had a great time. While in Sanford, Alex and Aubrey checked out a couple playgrounds, did a little fishing, colored in their new sticker books, had fun with the stickers in the sticker book, exercised with me, played with Thomas trains, went to a great water park, visited a train, and played in a pond and a lake. It was great to have so much fun with our family.

(These collages were put together by Kendra and I stole them....sssshhhhh....don't tell)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful Pictures!!! Whoever did those collages did a wonderful job! :0) heehee... I miss you all so much! I can't wait to come down and visit you soon! Hopefully the end of September or October! Can't wait!!!!!!