Thursday, August 2, 2012

Second Detour to Monticello

After visiting Hanging Rock State Park, we stayed overnight in Lynchburg, VA.  Then the next day, we took the one hour drive up to Monticello (Home of Thomas Jefferson) in Charlottesville, VA.  I had been there once before but it had been 15 years.   It was great to go back and see it through my more mature eyes as well as the kids eyes.  The excitement in Marissa's eyes was extra special too.

When you buy tickets to go to the Monticello House and Grounds, you are given a time for a thirty minute guided tour of the house.  I have to admit that I wondered how Alex and Aubrey were going to do on the tour.  As I was up at the counter buying the tickets, the ticket seller told me there would be a family tour that was leaving in 30 minutes.  She asked if we would be interested.  Of course, I took those tickets.   The family friendly tour was great.  The tour guide had props for the kids to hold and talked to the children.  It really kept their attention.  He provided a lot of information for the older family members as well.   Plus since everyone knew it was a family tour, the stress level of keeping the kids still was much less. 

It was hot outside, but there was a nice breeze and it was a little cloudy.  It was a great day to be outside (especially compared to some of the unbearable weather we have been having.) 

Marissa wanted to go on the "Slavery at Monticello" tour.  I didn't think Alex and Aubrey would cooperate (and get anything out of it), so the three of us opted to go to a coloring area that they had for the kids.  Alex and Aubrey were so content just sitting there and coloring.  I think they were still tired from the hike the day before.  I have to admit that I enjoyed just relaxing on a chair.  Marissa and Dave said it was an informative tour with a very entertaining tour guide.  Marissa thought the tour guide was cute so she enjoyed it for that reason too.  : )
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