Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hometown Lighthouse

At the beginning of August, we all drove up to Michigan.   We went up to my hometown to visit my family, attend my 20 year high school reunion and celebrate Kendra's (my sister) upcoming wedding with a family and friend's wedding shower.  

We started out with the eleven hour drive on Friday morning.   Many DVD videos later and we safely arrived at my Mom's house late Friday afternoon.   On Saturday, Dave and I went to my high school reunion.  It was nice to see quite a few of the people I went to school with from kindergarten to high school. 

On Sunday, a few of my high school classmates gathered at the Fort Gratiot Lighthouse for fun and a picnic.   Aubrey loves this lighthouse and she was so happy that her Dad was able to go up with her this time.

Of course, as soon as Alex and Aubrey saw the sand, they had to stop and play.  When I was growing up, you could never get close to the lighthouse because it was owned by the Coast Guard.  All you could see was this fence around the Lighthouse.  It is great that we can now get close to the lighthouse and even go up it.

Here is the beautiful lighthouse.  
To imagine that it is just about five miles from the house I grew up in.

Alex, Aubrey, Dave, and I went up to the top.  My Mom stayed at the bottom. 
There she is in the next picture.

Here is a picture of the Blue Water Bridge in the background that connects my hometown of Port Huron, Michigan to Sarnia, Ontario, Canada.

Us up at the top.  Alex is a little nervous with heights, but he made it to the top.

Aubrey and I stayed up at the top for awhile.  Alex headed back down pretty quickly.  There he is with Dave on the ground, while Aubrey and I looked around a little bit from the top.

Alex is always looking for someone to play with.  As soon as he saw these cars and trucks, he knew that this was the kid to play with.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

You took some awesome photos! I like the one with the bridge in the background. What an awesome view! We are going to have to take Livi up there.

I also LOVE the picture where Aubrey is smiling into the camera while you are on the top of the lighthouse. I know that she loves "Aubrey's Lighthouse".