Saturday, September 24, 2011

Basement Bathroom Remodel

We knew when we bought our new house, a year ago, that we would have to do some simple remodeling on the basement bathroom. We knew we didn't want to do it right away, but we decided to take on this task last month. Here are the results.

This is a picture of the bathroom from the house listing. The bathroom was usable, but the cabinet was starting to fall apart and it just wasn't our style.

And this is a picture of the bathroom after all the work which included a lot of wall repair, some new paint, and a new sink/cabinet, toilet, and mirror. Dave did all the hard work! Pictures don't do it justice. It looks even better in person.

Thank you Dave!!!


Courtney R said...

Great job!

Kendra said...

That is BEAUTIFUL!!! Looks much more like your style!

Kimberly said...

I love being able to see it after hearing about it as it was in progress. It looks phenomenal! Is Dave looking for any odd jobs? :)