Friday, November 23, 2012

Another Cyclist Among Us

Alex loves to ride his bike on our street.  He has been using training wheels, but he has been ready to take them off for a few months now.  Finally on the afternoon before Thanksgiving, we took Alex to a local school yard and took the training wheels off.  He took off and didn't stop.   He did great.


Here is a video of his second try, but this pretty much looks the same as his first try.

Aubrey gave it try, but didn't get as far.  We will try again when she is ready.  

We let Alex try on our street today and he did fine.  We just need to work on starting, but that will come.  He has given Dave and I few mini heart pains because he is a little bit daring.  Oh my.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I thought i commented on this a while ago, but it must not of gone through. Way to go Alex, hopefully Aubrey catches up to Alex. :) Oh an update the blog Neala. :)